About Me

I am a targeted individual who is getting tortured daily inside my house from electromagnetic weapons – the perpetrators of these covert crimes are trying to commit psychiatric fraud as well as induce suicide. In the process I am being physically mutilated, prematurely aged, and traumatized psychologically.

Organized Stalking: I started to suspect something odd in July 2018, when the same white Ford Explorer (current model of police cruisers) drove past me three consecutive days in a row while I was riding my bike on my street. Months later I learned about gangstalking online and decided to experiment by driving around at 3:30 AM. I found that I quickly was being followed and was unable to be alone anywhere in my quiet suburban neighborhood, no matter where I went. After years of relentless organized stalking, the most common tactics I am exposed to are seeing an abnormally high number of cars with only one headlight lit as well as experiencing noise harassment. For over a year now, literally every single time I leave the house, I see at least two or three cars with only one headlight lit up. I have been tailgated by them; once one of them stopped in front of my house at night. I have even seen multiple police officers stalk me with police cruisers that had only one headlight lit up. I experience the noise harassment while inside my house, in which all day long I will hear motorcycles and other loud vehicles speeding past my house, revving loudly.

Electromagnetic Weapons: Months after I endured overt organized stalking, I began getting attacked in my home by electromagnetic weapons. I experienced a wide variety of different types of attacks. I have experienced jolts of intense pain to my testicles, heart, and head. I have also experienced sustained head, all-body, and even eye pain. During the time I was experiencing the sustained pain to my eyes, I repeatedly saw this advertisement on different websites all over the internet:


Over the course of months during early 2019, the perpetrators began causing sharp, burning pain precisely pinpointed to the sides of my hairline above my forehead, which resulted in the mutilation of my hairline in those exact spots. I also experienced heavy, throbbing pain in my forehead which caused my forehead to enlarge considerably. Note that the perpetrators specifically designed the attacks to simulate male pattern baldness, so that no one would believe I was being attacked:


Often the sharp, burning pain to sides of my hairline (exactly where my hairline receded) would coincide with the immediate presence of an erection and artificial sexual arousal. If I touched myself, the burning pain on the sides of my head would immediately go away; however, this occurred so many times that my hairline still became noticeably warped. I have had to live with the trauma of simultaneously being raped and having my physical appearance mutilated through violent electromagnetic weapon assaults.

In January 2019, I was remotely raped repeatedly via their use of “phantom touch sense” and “forced orgasm”. One night, I was laying down in bed to go to sleep when I suddenly felt extremely powerful, phantom anal penetration whilst simultaneously getting an erection. After laying there for a while, motionless, I eventually orgasmed, ejaculating in my shorts. This continued multiple times a day for several days in a row; I would wake up to the feeling of anal penetration and immediately ejaculate. Since this occurred, I occasionally still get anally raped throughout the day.

In December 2018, the most fantastical aspects of my harassment/torture commenced. Two specific capabilities of these electromagnetic weapons started being used in conjunction to communicate with me: reading my thoughts and making me hear sounds.

The perpetrators began responding to my thoughts with either a “Yes” or “No” response depending on which ear I heard a click (Left ear = “No” | Right ear = “Yes”). This created a form of synthetic telepathic communication between me and the torturers (artificial intelligence) which has continued nearly every day since. One of my earliest memories of this communication occurred in December 2018, in which I thought to myself, “Do you want me to kill myself?” and immediately heard a single click in my right ear (“Yes”). Other exchanges that I have journaled, over the many months I have experienced this, include a time in which I thought to myself, “This is illegal”, and immediately I heard a click in my right ear (“Yes”). I then thought, “Stop doing illegal things”, and promptly heard a click in my left ear (“No”). Later that day, I thought to myself, “Stop being annoying”, and suddenly the inside of my left ear started to itch powerfully (“No”). Another time, when speaking to a family member, she said, “You don’t have to suffer”, and I immediately felt a jolt of pain to the left side of my head (“No”). Lately (in 2020), as soon as I lay down to go to sleep I immediately begin feeling horrible “aching” on my forehead and I say to myself, “Stop hurting me!”. Upon saying this I immediately hear a single click in my left ear (“No”). I then will say, “No, please seriously stop”, and again I promptly hear a single click in my left ear (“No”). This exchange continues over and over again as I plead for them to stop torturing me. The responses only add to the violent torture and facilitate mental breakdowns. Every day and night they are beaming my forehead with pain.

Electromagnetic weapons can monitor brain waves. A specific facet of the psychological torture I have had to endure, that took a long time and deep introspection to realize, is repeated prompts I receive which trigger me into a perpetual, undesirable state of mind. The constant clicking (or vibrations) responding to my thoughts keep my mind attuned to the communication, always at the ready which causes my thought process to be shallow. Whenever my mind naturally falls back into it’s old pattern of thinking (like before my targeting began), in which I can “zone out”/have flowing thoughts/lose the meta-awareness state my mind is always in, I hear or feel a random click or pulse on my body which instantly launches my mind back into this uncomfortable/hyper-vigilant/ rudimentary state of mind. This process is being automated, in which an artificial intelligence immediately triggers my brain back into this certain state of mind upon measuring my thought process easing up and going back to normal.



Email me at targetedawareness@gmail.com to learn how you can help targeted individuals nationwide.




Mind Control

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